N1 (CC) Claim Form
The N1 (CC) form is one of the official leaflets available to communicate with Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCS) when issuing a car claim. The N1 (CC) will then be instructed by the Commercial Court, which will issue a judgment.
The official N1 (CC) form
Good to know
This is the official form to submit a claim to the Court.
What is a N1 form?
The N1 (CC) form is a document used by a claimant(s) in case an incident occurs between two parties which involves material or immaterial damages. It is submitted by the claiming party to the Court who will instruct the claim, in order to demand an amount in reparation for the damages undergone in the incident. We propose a download version of this N1 (CC) form, that you can edit for free.
How to fill in a N1 (CC) claim form?
The first part of the N1 (CC) claim form consists of the identities of the claimant(s) and defendant(s), in order that they can be clearly identified. The second part of the form should be composed of details of the claim provided by the claimant, so that the Court can have material elements on which it can rely for delivering a judgment. The amount claimed has to be clearly stated by the claimant. At the end of the document, the claimant has to make a statement of truth.
How to write a statement of truth on a N1 (CC) form?
Since 6 April 2020, changes have been introduced into the 113th Practice Direction Update. Now, a specific wording has to be added just after the statement of truth words. Here it goes :
‘I understand that proceedings for contempt of court may be brought against anyone who makes, or causes to be made, a false statement in a document verified by a statement of truth without an honest belief in its truth.’
Check our complete list of official motor vehicles forms.