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You will find in all the articles and studies published on our site reliable information, from an expert source, several times verified, independent and very regularly updated. This is our promise at HelloSafe, the very one that allows us to guide our users in the best possible way. How do we do this? We only recruit writers seasoned in financial subjects, experts in their field, whether it is insurance, finance, credit, banking products, investment or cryptocurrencies. Their background, their experience and their experience allow them all to be legitimate to write on subjects as serious and complex as those we deal with and thus to advise our readers as well as possible. All of our writers must also complete a training cycle of several weeks as soon as they join our team, so that they are fully trained in our writing standards. This is how we guarantee expert added value as well as unfailing reliability of the information deployed on our sites. This expertise is supplemented by systematic double-checking of the information presented, implemented in all HelloSafe newsrooms and directly inspired by the “fact-checking” approaches deployed in major media around the world. . This systematic double-check aims to ensure that any data presented is accurate and up-to-date at the time of its publication, an essential guarantee for creating trust with our audience.
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