How To Cancel My Car Insurance Policy?

P. Laurore updated on February 26, 2021

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If you’re found yourself in a position where you need to cancel your car insurance policy, you’re probably wondering where you begin and what steps you need to take. Every company has its own cancellation policy, and you want to make sure the whole process runs smoothly.

After all, you don’t want to get caught put on any hidden fees, and you definitely don’t want to keep paying your premiums when you’ve thought you cancelled it properly. Today, we’re going to detail absolutely everything you need to know to get the policy cancelled correctly.

Why would you cancel your car insurance policy?

There are many reasons why you might find yourself in the position of cancelling car insurance policy, so if you match any of the points below, you’ll know this article is for you;

  • Unable to afford current car insurance premiums
  • Found a car insurance deal for a better price
  • You have declared your car SORN
  • You’re getting rid of the car, i.e. selling, scrapping
  • You’ve had a bad experience with your current insurer and want to switch

How to cancel your car insurance policy?

Ready to make the change by cancelling car insurance early? Here we go; while each insurance provider will have their own cancellation policy terms and conditions, there are some standard points to ensure the cancellation process is completed correctly.

Before you start, make sure you have your policy documents with you, or at least your policy number, so the provider can find the exact policy you want to cancel.

There are multiple ways you can go when learning how to cancel insurance, the most common being:

  • By phone: By far the quickest way to cancel your insurance policy is to do it over the phone. Simply call up your provider on the enquiries or customer support number they offer, follow the menu instructions until you’re through to an advisor, and they’ll be able to talk you through the process. This is known as the quickest way because it usually results in instant cancellation, and you’ll receive all the cancellation documents and confirmations to your email address, or via post, depending on which option you declare best for you.
  • By post or by email: If you opt to proceed with the cancellation of insurance policy via post or email, you’ll need to wait until your request is processed, which can take between 5 and 14 working days.

You’re only allowed to cancel an insurance policy if you’re the policyholder. If you’re a named driver, you won’t be able to cancel the policy, nor can you cancel anyone’s policy for them by calling up. You need to be the policyholder!

In some cases, the provider may ask why you’re choosing to cancel your policy, and it’s okay to be honest here. If you’ve found a better, more affordable provider, they may even try to offer you a better deal which means you could save even more money!

Regardless of how you cancelled your car insurance policy, you’ll be notified by your provider beforehand on any insurance cancellation fees or admin fees you may need to pay during the process, and whether you’ll receive a refund on any premium values you have outstanding.

Again, whether you’re paying fees or receiving a refund will depend on the terms and conditions of your provider.

What do I need to when cancelling insurance policy?

Finally, you may need to fill out some documentation, just to confirm your cancellation. This could be signing a cancellation form (online or via post), and you may need to send your certificate of motor insurance to your provider; although this is rare these days since everything is processed digitally.

When cancelling your insurance policy by post, you’ll want to send a letter that covers all the basic details you’ll need to share with your provider, so you don’t waste time and your policy is cancelled quickly.

In your letter, you’ll need to include information such as;

  • Your first name and surname
  • The name of your insurance provider you’re contacting
  • Your insurance provider’s address
  • Your policy number, written out in full
  • Your written signature at the end
  • Your full address and phone number (in case a reply is needed)

By including a letter with all this information, you should find there are no problems with missing information and your policy will be able to be cancelled with ease. You can also use our printable PDF template which you can then fill out and send off yourself!

If you are cancelling your insurance policy because you’re declaring your car SORN, make sure you’re filling out and sending off your SORN declaration to the DVLA. Failure to be insured on a car that’s not SORN is illegal and may result in a fine!

Can I cancel my car insurance policy any time?

Well, it depends. This is a commonly asked question, but will vary depending on your provider, and how long you’ve had the policy.

Most of the time, you can cancel your car insurance quickly and easily within the first two weeks, a period of time commonly referred to as the ‘cooling-off’ period.

The cooling-off period is a legal requirement where any car insurance policy taken out has a 14 day period where you can cancel it if you change your mind. It doesn’t matter whether you’re selling the car or found a better insurance deal, you can cancel your policy in this time for no cost.

Can you cancel my car insurance during cooling-off Periods?

If you’re ready to cancel your policy and you’re still in the 14-day window, simply call up your insurance provider and state you want to cancel your policy. The customer service team will happily talk you through the process.

How to cancel car insurance after cooling off periods?

If you’ve gone past your 14-day cooling-off period insurance term and you want to cancel your policy, you can still do this, but you might not get the free cancellation fees as before. What you pay and how much you get back will all depend on the terms and conditions of your individual provider, so make sure you’re checking and asking while taking out your policy.

However, let’s take a look at some of the common prices from some of the biggest providers to give you an idea.

How much does it cost to cancel a car insurance policy?

Want to know what car insurance cancellation fees and admin costs you’re going to need to pay? Our table below will help you find out what your costs are going to be when cancelling your car insurance policy;

ProviderCancellation fee cancelling at any timeCancellation fee when cancelling during the cooling-off period
logo nfu mutual£0£0
cooperative logo£50£0
age uk logo£0£0
logo lv£40£40
logo john lewis£40£0
logo sheilas wheels£55£26
logo aa£30£28
logo saga£50£5
logo axa£52.50£0
logo rac insurance£55£25
ageas car insurance£50£25
logo tesco bank£40£0
logo swiftcover£52.50£0
sainsburys bank£50£0
rias car insurance£50£15
logo quote me happy £56£28
logo swinton£50£25
logo esure£60£26
Cost to cancel car insurance per providers

All prices in this table are correct at the time of writing, but are subject to change depending on the individual provider and their prices. Use as a guideline only, and always ask your provider for the most up-to-date prices.

As you can see, there are some providers that offer car insurance with no cancellation fee, so if this is something you’re interested in as a priority, make sure you’re choosing the providers that are offering you the best deal.

Will I be refunded if I cancel my car insurance during the term?

Of course, if you’ve just spent hundreds of pounds on a new car insurance policy and you then cancel it, you’re going to know whether you’re going to get any of that money back. Let’s explore that now!

How will I be refunded if I pay my car insurance annually?

If you paid a lump sum for an annual policy, this should be refunded, minus any days you’ve already been insured for. If you’ve been insured ten days and you cancel your policy, you’ll receive the full amount back, minus ten days.

How will I be refunded if I pay my car insurance monthly?

The same can be applied if you’re paying for premium monthly. However, for monthly policies, you should receive a notification stating that your direct debit has been cancelled to confirm you’ll no longer be making payments.

Can I cancel my car insurance if I made a claim?

Even if you’ve made a claim on your policy, you should still be able to cancel car insurance policy at any time. However, depending on the terms and conditions of your insurance provider, you may be asked to pay the full price of the policy. Always check the terms and conditions of your policy by reading your documentation, or call up and ask a customer service representative.

If you do need to pay your premium in full after making a claim, this will mean you won’t be entitled to a refund on your policy, and even if you’re paying monthly, you may be required to pay the full year’s worth of premium during cancellation.

Alternatives to cancelling your car insurance

If the main reason you’re cancelling your car insurance policy is due to your current policy premiums being too high, you may want to take steps to reduce your premium costs before you take the plunge and cancel your policy outright. Here are some tips you can follow;

  • Find a cheaper car insurance policy and switch to a new provider
  • Tell your car insurance company you found a better deal and see if they’ll match it
  • Change your renewal date so you get more time to get money to pay your premiums
  • Turn off auto-renew policies so you have time to research the best price for you
  • Downgrade your car to a smaller, less expensive vehicle
  • Work on improving your credit score
  • Change the legal car ownership and become a named driver.

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P. Laurore Finance Expert

Co-founder of HelloSafe and holder of a Master's degree in finance, Pauline has recognised expertise in personal finance, which she uses to help users better understand and optimise their financial choices. At HelloSafe, Pauline plays a key role in designing clear, educational content on savings, investments and personal finance. Passionate about financial education, Pauline strives, with every piece of content she oversees, to provide reliable, transparent and unbiased information for independent and informed financial management. To this end, she has tested over 100 trading platforms to help internet users make the right choices.