Does Car Insurance Cover Lost Car Keys?

P. Laurore updated on July 23, 2020

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One of the worst things that can happen in your day is losing your car keys. Whether you’re at home and need to get to work or to go somewhere or, even worse, if you’re out and about, get back to your car and can’t get back in it, leaving you stranded and unsure what to do next.

The chances are this is going to happen to you at some point in your life, but with a little preparation, it doesn’t have to be as stressful as it may first seem. By investing in lost car key insurance cover, and with a little knowledge we’re going to share with you below, the panic and worry from losing your car keys will be a thing of the past.

What is lost car key cover?

As the title of the policy suggests, if something is to happen to your car keys, your lost car key cover will protect you and compensate your lost car key replacement costs, so you’re not left out of pocket.

Some of the things you may be covered for, depending on what your policy provider is offering, can include;

  • Replacing your lost keys
  • Paying a locksmith to get back into your vehicle
  • Covering the cost of stolen keys
  • Providing you with a courtesy car until you get new keys
  • Covering the cost of remapping your keys

Compare lost car key cover policies

If you’re wondering how much is a new car key, or what car key cover is going to cost you, you’ll be happy to know that most car insurance policies include car key cover as standard. To find the best policy that include is for you, check out this comparison table below;

ProviderThe average price for a comprehensive policy (annually)Features of the PolicyOpinion on the policy
logo admiral£330.40
  • Covers you up to £2,000 for a replacement car keys in the event of the key being stolen or broken
  • Claiming on your lost car key cover does not affect your no claims discount
  • You can make a claim anytime by contacting the 24/7 emergency helpline
  • The providers has a five-star Defaqto rating and have sold over 15 million policies in the last 25 years
  • Plenty of extras to add to your policy, including windscreen repair, courtesy car cover, and European driving cover
  • An award-winning lost car keys insurance provider for three years running since 2017
logo elephant£334.88
  • The policy covers you up to £2,000 for lost car key cover costs
  • Will cover locksmith charges, car key replacement cost, and new lock fitting for security issues
  • Will provide £40’s of cover for a courtesy car lasting up to three daysProvides £80 of cover covering alternative transport in case your car cannot be driven due to lock faults or replacements
  • Easy to manage all parts of your policy, including optional extras, online through the dashboard
  • Plenty of extras to add to your policy, including courtesy car cover, sports gear cover, and stereo cover
  • Any driver, including named drivers, can earn their own no claims discounts on your policy
  • European driving cover offered to cover you up to 90 days
logo diamond£337.12
  • Provides cover that grants up to £2,000 in key care cover limit
  • All locksmith charges are covered
  • Replacement locks are covered in case of damage
  • Replacement keys are covered in case of both theft and accidental lossOffers 3-day courtesy car fee cover up to £40
  • Offers up to £80 in alternative transport mode compensation
  • A car insurance provider specifically designed for female drivers
  • Add your partner to your policy for an extra discount
  • Dedicated extras to add to your policy, such as handbag and car seat cover
  • All drivers named on your car can earn a no claims discount
  • Offers access to a 24-hour helpline to claim on all parts of your policy at any time
logo bell£511.84
  • Covers up to £1,500 in fees for lost or stolen keys
  • Also covered replacement locks and any and all call-out charges related to your locks or keys
  • Does no provide courtesy car cover
  • Does not offer alternative transport compensation
  • Offers car insurance as a black box you can plug in to monitor your driving performance
  • Doesn’t come with curfews like other black box providers
  • Policy durations available from six months or above
  • Doesn’t come with any kind of monthly mileage limits
  • Make a claim any time online or over the phone using the emergency helpline
logo lloyds bank£574.50
  • Keycare provided by a leading key care service specialist
  • Covers all key care-related situations up to £1,000, even if you’re driving in Europe
  • Grants access to a 24/7 emergency helpline you can claim against any time
  • All charges covered, including three days hire car and locksmith charges
  • Offers a reward scheme when someone can earn £10 for handing in your keys
  • Premiums are available for both monthly and annual policies
  • Courtesy car cover for breakdowns offers as standard in all policies
  • Plenty of optional extras you can add to your policy, such as motor legal protection, no claims discount, and RAC breakdown cover
  • Key care cover is an optional extra you can add to your policy for £7.99 per year
logo ms bank£658.46
  • Covers car key replacement costs in the event your key is stolen up to £500
  • Cost limit also covers replacement for door locks, keys, ignition lock, and boot lock
  • Key care cover only available on as standard on fully comprehensive policies
  • Every policy comes with an uninsured driver guarantee, so you know you’re always protected
  • All Premium cover policies come with a free courtesy car as and when you need it
  • You’ll receive access to a personal claims manager, so you’re always speaking to the same person
  • Manage all your documentation and policy details online
Lost car key cover policies coverage comparison

Prices are based on a standard Vauxhall Corsa for a 30-year-old male living in London. Prices are to be used as a guideline only and will always be subject to change depending on your personal information, the car you’re driving, and the trends of the insurance industries.

Is lost car key cover essential?

While lost car key cover is not an essential add-on to your car insurance policy, and there’s always a chance you’re never going to use it if you look after your keys well, it’s one of those situations where you’ll be glad you have the cover if you ever need it.

For example, most modern cars nowadays come with fancy keys that can do all kinds of things, such as control windows, central locking, keyless entry, and more. This means that keys are becoming more and more expensive, which the average car key replacement price sitting around the £250 per key mark.

Now, if you don’t have lost car key cover, this is how much you’re going to need to pay out fo your own pocket to get a new car key. What’s more, to get into your car in the first place, you’re going to need to pay a locksmith to open the locks, which can cost you another few hundred pounds in the process.

Watch out!

This can be very expensive, especially if you’re already on a tight budget. This is why lost car key cover is such a highly recommended type of cover to add to your policy. Keys can be lost so easily, even if you’re just putting them down for a few seconds while thinking about something else.

What is covered with lost car key cover?

Depending on what your preferred insurance provider is offering, you will get different benefits with your lost car key cover policy, so let’s find out what the basics are.

Policy detailsComments
Replace your keysIf you lost your keys and you need to pay for a new one, whether this is a standalone claim or linked with any of the points below, you know the lost car key cost is covered, even if you’re quoted £1,500 or more!
Recode your locksIf your keys have stopped working, especially those keys with remote locking, you’ll to have your keys recoded by a professional which can cost a lot of money. However, all car key replacement costs will be covered and compensated by your provider with lost car key cover.
Cover locksmith chargesIf you need to use a locksmith to gain entry to your vehicle when you’re without a key, all the costs and charges will be covered by your insurance provider, which can cost hundreds of pounds.
Provide a courtesy car while waitingIf you need to get somewhere and you don’t have access to your vehicle, or you need to wait until you get a replacement, some providers will grant you access to a courtesy car in the meantime.
Emergency helpline accessWhen you’re stuck and the sudden realisation creeps in that you’ve lost your keys, you can gain complete peace of mind with lost car key cover since you know you’ll always have access to your insurance provider’s emergency claims line who can help get the problem resolved quickly.
Alternative transport costs coveredIf you need to take alternative modes of transport to wherever you’re going, such as a bus, train, or taxi, and this is as a result of losing your car keys, as long as you keep the receipts, you should be able to get your money back from your insurance provider.
The different coverages for lost car keys option

What is not covered with lost car key cover?

While there is a lot covered by a typical lost car key cover policy, you’ll need to be aware that not everything is covered, and you may need to take a different approach.

For example, if you lock your keys inside your car and need to get access to them, you may not claim on your lost key cover, but instead will simply call your breakdown service provider who will be able to get in and get your keys back.

What’s more, if you report that your keys have been stolen, you will need to provide proof that you’ve contacted the police and filed a report. Otherwise, your claim may be void and you can be reported for fraud.

What do I do when I’ve lost my car keys?

If you’ve found yourself in a position where you’ve lost your car keys and you don’t know what to do, you’ve come to the right place. Firstly, don’t stress; you can get the problem sorted out quickly and easily by following the steps below.

When your keys are stolen

If, for example, your car keys were in your bag and your bag was obviously stolen, the first thing you need to do is call the police and give a statement to what happened and what the situation was. This is essential to start the claims process and to prevent claims of fraud happening against you.

When you’ve lost your keys

Let’s say you get back to your car and look everywhere and you’ve realised you’ve lost your keys and have no idea where they are. Of course, you’ll want to think about to where you may have left them, and have a look around the local area to see if you can find them. Perhaps if you went into a shop, someone may have found them and handed them in and it’s always worth checking.

However, if you can’t find them, follow the points below.

Contact your insurance company

Whichever provider you have lost car key cover with, contact them on their claims line and explain everything that’s happened. They will then guide you through the process of how best to proceed, depending on the situation.

They may sort out a locksmith to come and visit your vehicle to stop your lost keys from working on your car, and will gain you access to the vehicle, should you need to retrieve anything inside it.

They will then guide you through the process of getting a replacement key sorted, depending on how they deal with these situations. They may request the manufacturer to send you a new key, or if you have a spare key at home, they may pay for you to get another copy cut from the spare.

Watch out!

However, this can be time-consuming and may take up to 10-days to receive a new key. With this in mind, your car key insurance cover provider may offer to cover the costs of getting a courtesy car, so you can still get about or may cover public transport costs to help you get to where you need to be.

Contact your breakdown provider

If you have locked your keys inside your car and haven’t actually lost them, or you know you’ve got a spare key inside the car you could use, you may not need to claim on your lost car lost key insurance policy, but instead your breakdown service provider.

In most cases, they will have all the expertise, knowledge, and tools needed to get inside the car and get your keys back.

If you have a spare key

Even after everything has been sorted out and say you’re now using your spare key, you can take this key to a high street store or outlet who will then be able to cut you another key. The cost of this can be claimed back on your lost car key cover, so you’re not out of pocket.

If you’re in a lost car key no spare situation, follow the steps above to order a new key.

How to get a replacement car key without the original?

If you don’t have the original car key to get a replacement cut, you’re going to need to order a new one from your manufacturer, or from a franchised car dealer in your local area.

However, as we’ve mentioned above, modern-day car keys can be expensive due to all the features that come with them and can take up to 10-days to arrive.

How much does lost car keys cover cost?

The cost of replacing a lost car key yourself can vary depending on the make and model of your car, but you can expect to pay around £200 upwards.

Typically, a really basic key with no features like remote locking or door window control can be as little as £25, but cars with this lack of features are nearly non-existent. Instead, you’ll be paying the larger fee.

How much does a replacement key cost?

To give you an idea on how much a replacement key is going to cost, check out the table below;

Car modelThe average price for a replacement key
Ford Fiesta£249.99
Audi A3£263.21
Range Rover£277.89
Replacement key cost

How long does this take to replace car keys?

Of course, how long it takes to get a replacement car key will depend on the manufacturer and how quickly they can create and code you a new key, but the typical wait is between five and ten days.

If you have a spare key and you’re getting it cut a professional, such as one in a store on the high street, this can work out cheaper, and may only take several hours. However, you’ll need to remember to take your V5C documentation as proof of ownership of the vehicle. Otherwise, they may refuse to cut the keys.

Where can I get car keys replacement?

Just to recap where you can get your cheap car key replacements from quickly and easily;

  • A specialist auto/vehicle locksmith
  • Your car insurance provider
  • A franchised or chained car dealership
  • Your local car garage
  • Your vehicle breakdown service provider
  • A high street car key cut service

Tips to keeping your car keys safe

While having lost car key cover is a great idea that can help you get through an emergency situation, it is, of course, much better if you can avoid a lost car key situation entirely. Here are some easy tips to help you protect your keys in the first place.

  • Keep them hidden - Always make sure you keep your belongings hidden and out of view. If a thief cannot see your car keys, they’re not about to go hunting around for them. This point should be remembered both while you’re out and about and keeping your keys at home, such as leaving them on the kitchen table.
  • Never leave them in glove box - If you leave your spare keys in your glove box, if someone was to break into your car with brute force, they can easily turn your alarm off and steal your car simply by searching around. Always keep your spares at home and safe, so you can access them if you need them.
  • Don’t keep all keys on the same fob - Never keep your keys on the same fob, especially your main car key and your spare key. If you lose the fob, you’ve obviously lost both keys at the same time, and this can be easily avoided if you keep your keys separated.
  • Always get a spare when you can - When buying a new car, whether privately or from a dealership, always make sure you’re asking them to give you a spare key if they have it. While not all cars have a spare, you need to make sure you have one if possible.
  • Routinely check your belongings - Get into the habit of checking your belongings to ensure you’ve always got them. Whether you’re just patting your pockets when you leave somewhere, or always keeping your belongings in the same places, this can be a great way to keep track of everything, and if you do lose something, you can easily retrace your steps.
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P. Laurore Finance Expert

Co-founder of HelloSafe and holder of a Master's degree in finance, Pauline has recognised expertise in personal finance, which she uses to help users better understand and optimise their financial choices. At HelloSafe, Pauline plays a key role in designing clear, educational content on savings, investments and personal finance. Passionate about financial education, Pauline strives, with every piece of content she oversees, to provide reliable, transparent and unbiased information for independent and informed financial management. To this end, she has tested over 100 trading platforms to help internet users make the right choices.