

HelloSafe unveils a new tool to easily activate credit card…

New York, February 12, 2025 - HelloSafe, the benchmark platform for insurance comparison, today announced the launch of its dedicated global travel insurance offering, with several tools designed to simplify and optimize consumer

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[Travel] The ranking of the 67 countries where it is…

If you were asked what Kazakhstan, Morocco and Greenland have in common, you probably wouldn't answer: their ski infrastructure. And yet, these three destinations are among the 67 countries in the world where it's possible to ski! In this study, based on data compiled by consultant Laurent Vanat in

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[Travel] HelloSafe Prosperity Index: which are the richest countries in…

For the first time in 2024, HelloSafe is pleased to unveil its World Prosperity Index, which has ranked 186 countries according to a set of criteria including economic, social and environmental development indicators, with the aim of going beyond rankings based solely on gross wealth indicators

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[Travel] What a hospital stay will cost you in 196…

If you are reading these lines, you may be preparing for a trip. But before you leave, it's a good idea to double-check your health cover. To convince you of this, we have compiled a list of hospital costs in 196 countries around the world. And you'll see that the bill can be very

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Which countries are the cheapest to travel to in 2025?…

Planning a budget is always an important step for any traveller preparing for a stay abroad. Whether it's for accommodation, food or transport, it's important to be well informed before setting off. This study gives you the average daily budget required for one person in 131 countries around the

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[HelloSafe Index] Map of the world's least safe countries to…

The safety of a country and the feeling of security are often essential criteria for international travellers. Based on a number of reliable indicators, HelloSafe has published its Travel Safety Index for the first time. Rated out of 100, the index assigns 100 to the least safe countries and 0 to

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What Are The Best Travel Insurance Companies?

You're about to leave UK for a super exciting trip in Europe or worldwide and travel insurance is the least interesting thing about your coming holidays? But did you know that 1 Brit out of 5 has, at some point, needed medical care