Do I Need Travel Insurance For Brazil?

A. Fruchard updated on March 18, 2020

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You are planning a fancy trip to Brazil and travel insurance is the least interesting topic you may think about? But during one of your trips, have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had to get emergency treatment or where you lost your baggage at the airport?

Hence, you’re probably wondering how to find the best travel insurance for visiting Brazil.

In the below ultimate guide for travelling from the UK to Brazil, we will tell you everything you need to know about travel insurance for your trip: is it compulsory, key features, premiums, driving requirements in Brazil? Let’s get started.

Why do I need travel insurance for Brazil?

Involved in a car accident while driving abroad, injured while practicing sport, sick....

Unfortunately, those things happens much more often than we think, and it could leave you and your travel partners with significant expenses to pay if you didn’t apply for travel insurance before leaving.

Here is a list of the most common unexpected costs arising during people’s trips:

What if….How much will you have to pay without travel insurance?How much will you have to pay with travel insurance?
You need air rescue£5,000£0
until medical expense limit is reached
You need to have surgery and to stay at a hospital £5,000£0
until medical expense limit is reached
You need medical repatriation £80 000£0
real fees paid out
Your baggage has been lost at the airport£800£0
until personal belongings is reached
Someone stole your money£200£0
until limit is reached
You need to cancel your trip£5,000£0
until cancellation limit is reached
Fees to be paid with or without travel insurance

For as cheap as a few pounds per day, “Comprehensive Travel Insurance” is a contract which fully covers you for your trip to the Brazil and provides you with both financial compensation as well as assistance during your trip.

Travel insurance is not mandatory for anyone holding a valid UK passport but is, however, absolutely necessary to prevent you from significant medical or cancellation costs while travelling abroad.

What are the best travel insurance policies for Brazil?

How can you choose between the plethora of travel insurance policies on offer and find the least expensive policy? Many insurers, even some small ones, offer very good value for money deals. We’ve come up with a selection of small and big actors offering tempting deals.

Among them you’ll find:

InsurerOur review
logo world first
  • Provides all travel insurance types with 4 levels of cover (all rated 5 stars by Defaqto): Standard, Premier, Exclusive, Superior
  • 4,8/5 on TrustPilot
  • Very good customer care according to reviews
  • Offers dedicated family travel insurance
  • No credit or debit card fees guarantee
  • Possibility to apply 12 months in advance
  • UK-based customer service and claim team
  • Reimburse within 14 days
logo explorer travel insurance
  • 4,58/5 rate on Reviews
  • Provides all types of travel insurance with 2 level of protection: Gold and GoldPlus
  • Medical compensation for up to 85 years old
  • Dedicated customer service according to reviews
logo travel insurance 4 medical
  • 4,8/5 consumers reviews rate on TrustPilot / 5 stars on Defaqto
  • Specialist insurer providing full cover for up to 1000 medical conditions (including Alzheimer’s, HIV, cancer etc.)
  • Includes cover for pregnant women
  • UK based-call center
  • 24/7 assistance team
  • Provides cover for people up to 100 years old
  • Provides all travel insurance types with 3 level of protection
  • Medical compensation limit minimum is £3M and max £10M
  • Also provides cover for cruise and winter sports
Travel insurance comparison for Brazil

Even better, use our comparison tool to find the best deal for you! At Safe, we’ve checked out hundreds of travel insurance providers and we are now able to allow you to compare dozens of holiday insurance deals in only a few seconds without giving any personal details.

Always remember to check limits and excess amounts, maximum number of days per trip and exclusions in an insurer’s policy terms and conditions booklet. 

What type of travel insurance do I need for my trip to Brazil?

You can apply for different insurance types depending on your type of trip, from frequent luxury or business travel to cheap holidays to Brazil.

You will most often have the choice to apply between different travel plan:

  • worldwide excluding USA, Canada
  • worldwide including USA, Canada
  • Australia, New-Zealand
  • Europe.

For Brazil, as for any destination, travel insurance policy types are:

Travel insurance typeExplanationMain features per type of travel policy
Single trip insuranceThese travel insurance policies are for one-off holidays.
You will be covered from the start of the journey until the end.
You can decide the number of days you want to be covered for.
  • Covers for the period of the stay (can be up to 365 days)
  • Often an age limit to apply for policy
Annual multi-trip insuranceThese policies are made for frequent travellers going away for holidays, business trips or for any other reason several times a year.
You would need to check whether it is more competitive to buy two or three single trip insurance policies or an annual multi-trip policy.
  • 12 months policy
  • Length of each trip usually limited to 31 days (but can vary from 10 days to 90)
  • Age limit to apply for policy (66 years old on average)
Long stay and gap year insuranceThese plans are made for students or any british resident wanting to explore the world, including for backpacking, gap year trips or for any other long stay reason.
  • Usually covers periods between 90 days for up to 18 months
  • Age limit to apply for policy (from 16 to 45 only usually)
Types of travel insurance for your trip to Brazil

Most of travel insurers offers discounts for couples and group travel insurance policies for your trip to Brazil.

How much is travel insurance to Brazil?

For example, this is the cheapest price for a single trip policy of seven days (with an excess at £100):

AgeSingle trip cover to Brazil
18 – 35 From £19.23
36 – 50From £19.98
51 – 65From £25.87
66 – 75From £28.92
Single and annual multi trip cover to Brazil cost per age range

It is, however, quite difficult to give precise ranges of how much a travel insurance will cost you for Brazil, as prices are based on a wide range of criteria. It will mainly depend on:

  • If you’re going for a single or annual multi-trip as mentioned above
  • If you’re subscribing to upgrades such as cruise, business or gadget cover
  • If you have pre-existing medical conditions
  • The length of your stay in Brazil
  • If you’re travelling alone, with your partner, a group or your family
  • The financial limits you’d like to get in case of a claim
  • The excess amount you’re willing to pay
  • What will you be doing in Brazil (e.g. winter or extreme sports)?

What does your travel insurance for Brazil should cover?

Each travel insurance policy is different, since it is the insurer who determines the content of the contracts it offers: guarantees, compensation limits, deductibles, travel insurance prices, etc.

However, all contracts on the market must include at least the following guarantees, applicable in Europe and elsewhere abroad:

  • Medical expenses: compensation by the insurer for your health expenses during your stay (consultation, analysis, emergency treatment, longer hospital stay, etc.).
  • Repatriation assistance to the UK: financial and logistical support by a dedicated 24/7 team for your early return to your country of residence if it proves necessary.
  • Trip cancellation and cover for delayed or missed departure: compensation if you need to cancel your trip for whatever reason or if you missed your departure.
  • Personal liability: compensation for any damage or injury made to a third-party (consider adding it as extra if not included in standard cover).
  • Baggage: compensation for any lost or theft of baggage while travelling (consider adding it as extra if not included in standard cover).

Most of the time, travel insurers offer different formulas. Cover types involved are usually the same, but the compensation limits and deductibles vary.

Main guaranteesCover you should get for your trip to BrazilLimit you should get for your trip to BrazilGood to check
Medical travel insurance
  • Any emergency transport, medical procedures and treatments at the hospital
  • 24/7 assistance team and helplines
£1 million limit
on average
  • Are private or public hospitals included in your policy?
  • Will there be advance fees?
  • If you haven’t declared any pre-existing medical conditions or a pending diagnosis, any claim related to healthcare will be declared as invalidated by your insurer.
  • Are dental emergency treatments included?
  • Will any “accompanying person” fees be reimbursed?
Trip cancellation / curtailment
  • Illness, injury or even death of you or one of your relatives at the time of departure
  • Very bad weather conditions at your destination
  • Terrorist attack at your destination
£2000 limit
  • Is it included as standard or as an option?
  • Will you get compensation if you cancel your trip for “all justified reasons”?
  • Which reasons exactly are included to get compensation for your trip cancellation?
  • Compensation for baggage and belongings theft or loss up to the limit known
  • No receipt required
£1500 limit
  • Is it only valid during return transport or during the entire stay?
  • Do you need the receipts for any belongings for baggage claims?
Missed departure, delay
  • Compensation if you miss your flight or train when it is beyond your control or if your journey is delayed
£500 limit
(£200 limit for delay)
  • Are all justified reasons for missed departure covered?
  • How many hours delay to get compensation?
  • Cost of repatriation before or after your original ticket
Real fees
  • Is any transportation mode included (by alternative schedule flight or by air ambulance)?
Personal liability
  • Compensation for any damage or injury made to a third-party during your trip up to the limit known
£2 million limit
on average
  • What is the limit by article and valuables (don’t focus on overall limit only)?
Legal expenses
  • Legal fees for claiming compensation to another person
£15000 limit
on average
  • Does it cover any lawyer fees (including appointment fees)?
Must-have features of your travel insurance to Brazil

What are the nice-to-have features for your travel insurance to Europe?

Main guaranteesCover you should get for your trip to BrazilLimit you should get for your trip to BrazilGood to check
Money and cashCovers for loss or theft of money or equivalent such as cheques, pre-paid tickets£500 for money limit

£200 for cash
  • How long can you make a claim to the police to be covered?
  • Is there a 24-hour claim limit?
Dental emergency Covers for emergency dental care£250
  • What is included in emergency dental care?
  • Cosmetic will most of the time be excluded
Loss of passport or documentationCovers additional fees such as accomodation or travel replacement as a result of loss of documentation£250
  • How many nights are covered?
  • Do you need receipts of any additional fees incurred?
Nice-to-have features for your travel insurance to Brazil

Which upgrades could you add as extras for your travel insurance to Brazil?

Additionally, you may tailor your policy for your trip to Brazil area with optional extras such as:

  • Business trip insurance for Brazil
  • Sport, winter sport, extreme sport cover
  • Schedule Airline Failure (at least £1500 covered)
  • Gadget insurance
  • Cruise cover
  • Etc.

What does your travel insurance to Brazil not cover?

Most travel insurers will not give financial compensation for:

  • Any claim made as a result of pre-medical condition or pending diagnosis undeclared at the time of purchase
  • Any claim made as a result of you being under drugs or alcohol
  • Difficulties due to natural disaster, war, civil unrest (watch out for strikes)
  • Any claim made as a result of a terrorist attack (except if you took this cover as an option)
  • Pregnancy and childbirth complications during travel

We would advise you to thoroughly check your policy booklet for the main exclusions before leaving home. 

What else should you pay attention to while shopping around for travel insurance for Brazil?

While shopping around for travel insurance for your trip to Brazil, always pay attention to:

  • The compensation amounts you will get for a claim by consulting our up-to-date reviews on each insurer (especially for medical expenses, trip cancellation, personal liability, baggage and personal belongings)
  • The deductible amounts you’ll have to pay in case of claim (don’t forget that you’ll need to pay the excess on each claim)
  • The exclusions you may have in your policy (strike, cancellation trip due to the carrier defaulting etc.)
  • Coverages included in policies or available as upgrades (winter sports, business trip etc.)
  • The claim process (100% online? How many days do you have to make a claim?)
  • The maximum duration of each trip included as standard (at least 31 days)
  • The upper age limit (if you are a senior travelling).

What should I know before travelling to Brazil?

Is Brazil safe to visit?

This is what the Foreign Travel Office writes about Brazil:

There is an ongoing outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) in China, but cases have been confirmed in other countries, including Brazil. The Brazilian authorities have introduced measures to limit the spread of the virus.
154,586 British nationals visited Brazil in 2018. Despite high crime levels, most visits are trouble free.

Problems have been reported with the tap water supply in Rio de Janeiro. To avoid associated health risks, you should use only bottled water.

Record rains hit the state of Minas Gerais, south-eastern Brazil, over the weekend of 25-26 January, leading to flooding. Reports state there have been 53 deaths in the state of Minas Gerais, and nearly 40,000 people have been evacuated from their homes.

You are likely to see a heavy police presence on the streets, particularly in Rio de Janeiro, including occasional checkpoints. Cars are usually slowed down to single file and have to drive past with windows down. If you’re asked to stop by the police at a checkpoint, stay calm and follow the instructions given.

Levels of crime including violent crime are high, particularly in major cities. You should be particularly vigilant before and during Carnival when a large number of people gather in parties on the street. Bank card fraud including credit card cloning is common.

The security situation is many favelas (shanty towns) is unpredictable, particularly in Rio de Janeiro. Any visit to a favela can be dangerous. You’re advised to avoid these areas in all cities, including ‘favela tours’ marketed to tourists and any accommodation, restaurants or bars advertised as being within a favela.

Protests take place regularly across Brazil and often without warning. Roads and public transport are often severely disrupted. Avoid areas where demonstrations are taking place, monitor local media and follow the advice from the local authorities. See Demonstrations and civil unrest

There is an increased risk of unrest in the border region with Venezuela where tensions are running high over immigration. In February 2019, the Venezuelan de facto authorities ordered the temporary closure of the land border; it reopened on 7 June. You should monitor local media for updates. The FCO advise against all travel within 40km of the Venezuela-Brazil border on the Venezuelan side of the border.

Terrorist attacks in Brazil can’t be ruled out.

If you’re a single parent or guardian travelling with a child, you may need additional documentation. This applies if one parent is Brazilian, even if your child only holds a British passport.

Drug trafficking is widespread in Brazil, and incurs severe penalties.

You should take steps to avoid mosquito bites. UK health authorities have classified Brazil as having a risk of Zika virus transmission and chikungunya, yellow fever and dengue are present. Cases of dengue fever have increased, especially in the north, south-east and central-west of Brazil and the state of Minas Gerais is on alert due to an increase in dengue, chikungunya and zika cases. For more information and advice, visit the website of the National Travel Health Network and Centre and check the recommendations for vaccination. See Health

The Overseas Business Risk service offers information and advice for British companies operating overseas on how to manage political, economic, and business security-related risks.

Take out comprehensive travel and medical insurance before you travel. The Money Advice Service can help you to consider the type of insurance you need. It is a free and independent service set up by government.

If you’re abroad and you need emergency help from the UK government, contact the nearest British embassy, consulate or high commission.

How to contact the British Embassy in Brazil?

Depending on where you are located, you can contact:

British Embassy Brasilia

British Embassy Brasilia
Quadra 801 – Conjunto K – Lote 08
Av. das Nações – Asa Sul
CEP 70408-900 Brasilia

Phone (if you’re in Brazil)

+55 (61) 3329 2300
Mon-Thu: 08:30am to 12:30pm and 13:30pm to 16:45pm
Fri: 08:30am to 12:30pm and 13:30pm to 16:30pm

Phone (if you’re in the UK)020 7008 1500
British Embassy Brasilia contact details

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A. Fruchard Insurance Expert

Co-founder of HelloSafe and an experienced entrepreneur in the insurance and personal finance sector, Antoine uses his experience and in-depth knowledge of the market to help Internet users make the right choices. With an MBA in economics, he is a committed expert whose mission is to make personal finance and insurance issues simple and understandable. With a rich career marked by the creation of innovative companies, Antoine's ambition has always been to bring transparency to complex issues and to give power back to consumers. With HelloSafe, he continues to translate this vision by providing accurate advice, impartial comparisons and detailed explanations of travel insurance. He has analysed hundreds of contracts to reveal the best options available on the market.