Thomas Cook Claim Form

Antoine updated on October 2, 2020

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You are looking for the official Thomas Cook Claim Form? You must know that Thomas Cook has ceased trading and is no longer offering flights and travel services.

Read more about Thomas Cook Failure and download the official ATOL Claim Form here.

What happened to Thomas Cook?

At the end of September 2019, Thomas Cook let the tourism industry in shock when it announced its failure.

The following days, the CAA had to organize the biggest repatriation operation in the British peacetime history, with almost 150,000 travelers to transport back to the UK.

Were those tourists able to submit an ATOL claim form on the Thomas Cook failure? Those who had booked a travel package were effectively compensated.

However, clients that had only booked plane tickets or a hotel venue were unable to get a refund under the ATOL scheme. In December 2019, when the special website to claim on Thomas Cook has been launched, the company saw 60,000 filled in through the online form in the first hours. The company had to refund in total more than 360,000 customers

You should always check if your travel package is ATOL-protected or not.To claim on a company operating under the ATOL PROTECTION SCHEME, download the official ATOL claim form in this guide.

Thomas Cook Claim Process and Insolvency

Download the brochure giving more explanation on Thomas Cook insolvency.

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Antoine Insurance Expert

Co-founder of HelloSafe and an experienced entrepreneur in the insurance and personal finance sector, Antoine uses his experience and in-depth knowledge of the market to help Internet users make the right choices. With an MBA in economics, he is a committed expert whose mission is to make personal finance and insurance issues simple and understandable. With a rich career marked by the creation of innovative companies, Antoine's ambition has always been to bring transparency to complex issues and to give power back to consumers. With HelloSafe, he continues to translate this vision by providing accurate advice, impartial comparisons and detailed explanations of travel insurance. He has analysed hundreds of contracts to reveal the best options available on the market.