Is Dignity The Best Funeral Plan?

P. Laurore updated on July 29, 2020

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Should you buy a prepaid funeral plans? Your family may need help with funeral cost and take care of all financial matters during a period of grief is not an ideal situation for your loved ones, prepaid funeral cover can be the solution.

The question now is: Is Dignity is the best funeral plans for you?

In this guide, we will explain everything you need to know about Dignity funeral plans.

Let’s dive right in.

Is Dignity the best funeral plan for you?

When taking funeral plan, there are so many things to think about. Funeral insurance is one of the most important insurance plans to have, as it is the best way to protect your loved ones if something happens to you.

Dignity life funeral cover has a lot to offer. Here are the main points that you should look at before taking out funeral cover with Dignity:

4,4 Safe overall rating for Dignity

Rating criteriaSafe ratingsOur reviews
Customer service satisfaction

Well rated by independent institutions
Very well rated by Trustpilot
97.7% of families served by them would recommand Dignity

Coverage options

Dignity funeral cover offers 4 plans with different level of coverage
All basics are provided

Value for money

Different plans can help you finding cheap funeral plans
Cheapest funeral plans starts at £2895
Monthly payment available

Financial strength

One of the leader in funeral cover services

Apps and technologies

Possibility to buy a funeral cover online
Clear informations available on their website
No chatbot available

Safe ratings about Dignity funeral cover

How is Dignity funeral cover rated?

Here are Dignity ratings from independent institutions:

Independant institutionsRates
TrustpilotNot available
Defaqto5 for their Diamond Funeral Plan
Independent institutions ratings about Dignity funeral cover

Dignity funeral cover in a nutshell

In summary, here are the main features you need to know when taking out funeral cover with Dignity:

Dignity funeral cover details
Miles limit for removing the body50 miles
Cancellation fees£249
Third party allowance (cremation cost, minister/celebrant cost, doctor fees...)

£1 220,00

Cremation Yes
Dignity funeral plans in a nutshell

Is Dignity the best funeral cover for you?

Dignity has several different contract options. Dignity proposes different plans, according to the plan you choose, the features won't be exactly the same. So, let's have a look at Dignity funeral cover features to see if it is the best funeral plan for you!

Plans nameLimousineExtrasFuneral cover cost
Dignity The Limited Funeral CoverNo
  • Basic coffin
  • Care and preparation of the decease
  • Restricted choice of 800 Funeral directors
  • £2,895 in full
  • £20,42 per month during 25 years
Dignity the amber funeral coverNo
  • Wood effect coffin
  • Care and preparation of the decease
  • Mutual agreement for day and hour for the funeral
  • £3,295 in full
  • £22.52 per month
Dignity The Pearl Funeral Cover1
  • Quality Wood Effect Coffin
  • Mutual agreement for day and hour for the funeral
  • £3,650 in full
  • £24.39 per month
Dignity The Diamond Funeral cover2
  • High quality wood veneer coffin
  • Mutual agreement for day and hour for the funeral
  • Viewing of the decease in a private chapel by agreed appointment
  • £3,895 in full
  • £25.68 per month
Dignity funeral covers plans

How do you contact Dignity funeral cover?

Here are all the important phone numbers to contact Dignity Funeral Cover:

ServicePhone numbersOpening hours
Get a quote0800 033 474424 hours a day, 7 days a week
Customer service0800 731 065524 hours a day, 7 days a week
Dignity funeral cover contacts

How to contact Dignity funeral cover customer service?


Dignity Funeral Plans
4 King Edwards Court
King Edwards Square
Sutton Coldfield
West Midlands
B73 6AP

Email [email protected]
Contact Dignity funeral cover customer service

How do I cancel my Dignity funeral cover?

You will find on this table the different ways to cancel your Dignity funeral insurance:

How to cancel your funeral cover
  • No fees if you cancel within 30 days
  • £249 if you cancel after 30 days
Cancel by mail

Dignity Pre Arrangement Limited
4 King Edwards Court,
King Edwards Square,
Sutton Coldfield,
West Midlands
B73 6AP

Cancel by email[email protected]
Cancel by phone0800 171 2747
Cancel Dignity funeral cover

How do I get quote for Dignity funeral cover?

Phone quote 0800 033 4744
Online quote

You can apply to Dignity funeral cover online on their website

Apply at Dignity funeral cover

Do we recommend Dignity funeral cover?

Dignity has a strong reputation and a good customer service. Funeral cost vary from a plan to another giving choice to customer. All basics are provided.

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P. Laurore Finance Expert

Co-founder of HelloSafe and holder of a Master's degree in finance, Pauline has recognised expertise in personal finance, which she uses to help users better understand and optimise their financial choices. At HelloSafe, Pauline plays a key role in designing clear, educational content on savings, investments and personal finance. Passionate about financial education, Pauline strives, with every piece of content she oversees, to provide reliable, transparent and unbiased information for independent and informed financial management. To this end, she has tested over 100 trading platforms to help internet users make the right choices.