Coronavirus: Does Life Insurance Cover Covid-19?

Nishadh Mohammed updated on February 26, 2021

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Life insurance is supposed to cover you when you die, whatever the causes.

As the word is facing a major health crisis, one wonders wether coronavirus will be covered by your life insurance.

In this guide, we compiled informations, so that you you can untangle the true from the false on the coronavirus and its impact on your life policy.

Does life insurance cover pandemics such as coronavirus?

Yes, it does.

Life insurance adapt to situations of course, even if coronavirus or covid 19 is not indicated or listed in your life insurance, you will be covered.

It means that, if you die, your loved ones will benefit from the cash sum you have planned for them.

Insurers are clarifying little by little the conditions linked to this exceptional crisis.

Does Sheperd Friendly life insurance covers coronavirus?

Sheperd Friendly said that they will assist all their members affected by this crisis.

Does Zurich life insurance covers coronavirus?

Zurich life insurance announced that life insurance covers coronavirus illness

Does Vitality life insurance covers coronavirus?

Vitality insurance said that members who have life insurance at Vitality will be cover if they are infected by coronavirus.

Vitality Serious Illness illness insurance does cover COVID-19, as this insurance does not cover a specific infection or viruses.

Does Beagle Street life insurance covers coronavirus?

Beagle Street announced that life insurance covers coronavirus

Can you still apply for a life insurance now?

Yes, you can but will be complementary questions asked when making a quote.

The insurance providers will have the right to reject your request if you are infected by coronavirus.

This question is quite tricky, for the moment yes you can apply to life insurance, but the situation will evolve. A few insurers will add exclusions to their contract, add questions to their form to know your actual situation. For example, insurance providers already put exclusions to get income protection in case of coronavirus.

Can I apply to a life insurance if I have traveled to a coronavirus zone?

Usually, no. You will be asked to postpone your application to later. If you already have a life insurance, of course, you are covered.

If you must travel to a risky zone, and if this travel is essential, contact your insurer to know how life insurance will apply in this context. If this travel is not essential, your life insurance is likely not to apply because you went against the directives of Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

If I die from coronavirus, do my relatives will benefit from my life insurance?

If it is your wish, yes. Your loved ones that are nominee of the policy will get the cash sum, after filed a valid claim.

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Nishadh Mohammed

Nishadh Mohammed is a seasoned news editor and financial writer, working with HelloSafe since May 2023. Nishadh has developed expertise in financial markets, insurance, and investment products, with a deep understanding of the Canadian financial landscape. He has honed his SEO skills and content marketing strategies while writing for Canadian publishing houses. Armed with a master's in Business Analytics and extensive journalistic experience, Nishadh uniquely combines data proficiency and thorough research to deliver comprehensive and accessible information.