Is Debenhams The Best Gadget Insurance?

P. Laurore updated on July 28, 2020

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We’ve become a gadget nation. We depend on our laptop, phone, tablets to do our jobs, our shopping, and our homework – or just to have fun. But that makes losing our gadget a major disaster.

Taking out a gadget insurance is the solution, but before it's worth checking out some of the insurer. You want to know if debenhams can cover your phone, your laptop or your camera? and if debenhams gadget insurance is reliable? In this review, we'll guide you through the ins and outs of debenhams gadget insurance.

Let’s dive right in!

What is debenhams gadget insurance?

Gadget insurance, as the name suggests, protects your home gadgets (cameras, mobile phones, sat nav equipment, laptops, smartwatch etc.) against accidental damage, theft, loss, liquid or fire damage or mechanical failure depending on the level of cover chosen. Mobile phone insurance can also protect you against unauthorised calls if someone steals your phone.

Debenhams insurance offers differents gadget insurances:

  • Personal gadget cover
  • Student gadget cover
  • Business gadget cover
  • Home gadget bundle cover

Debenhams gadget insurance has 2 level of protection:

  • Standard cover:
  • Ultimate cover

Which items are covered by debenhams insurance?

Here are the gadgets covered by debenhams gadget insurance:

Gadget coveredCovered or not
Laptop Yes
Coverage items

Debenhams gadget insurance cover Mobile Phones, Smart Phones, Laptops, Tablets, Desktops, Digital Cameras, PC Monitors, MP3 Players,CD/DVD Players, Games Consoles, Video Cameras, Camera Lenses, Bluetooth Headsets, Satellite Navigation Devices, PDAs, E-Readers, Head/Ear Phones, Wearable Technology (such as a Smart Watchor a Health and Fitness Tracker).

Debenhams gadget insurance in a nutshell

Here are the main informations to know when taking out a gadget insurance with debenhams gadget insurance:


Varies (from £25.00 to £125.00 depending the item value).

Expert rating5 stars from Defaqto for Mobile & Gadget Insurance Ultimate

Multi gadget up to


Claims allowed

Unlimited number of claims


10% discount by insuring two or more gadgets

debenhams coverage

What is covered by debenhams gadget insurance?

You will find debenhams gadget insurance main features :

OptionsIncluded or add-on
Main phones covered

Any type of phone

Second-hand phonesNo
Repair guarantee

Gadgets up to 36 months old at the time

Instant coverYes
Worldwide coverYes
Family CoverYes
Accidental damageYes
Mechanical breakdownYes
Accessories covered£50 as standard / £150 for comprehensive cover
Extra included

Replacements are backed by a 12 month warranty

Unauthorized calls Yes
debenhams coverage

What are Debenhams gadget insurance different levels of coverage?

This coverage are included sometimes in basic policy or in a most comprehrensive one:

Basic StandardComphrensive Ultimate
Worldwide cover60 days120 days
Accidental damageYesYes
Mechanical breakdownYesYes
Accessories covered£50£150

What is not covered by insurance?

Debenhams won't cover you if there are:

  • Any existing claims before you bought debenhams insurance
  • Claims where you’ve knowingly put your gadget at risk
  • Your paid-for downloads and apps are unlikely to be covered

How much is debenhams gadget insurance?

Gadget insurance prices differ depending on which gadget, and how many gadgets, you’re insuring, but as a rule of thumb, a top of the range smartphone could cost £70-90 a year to insure; that’s just £6 a month. Compared to the cost of the phone, that’s peanuts.

Debenhams gadget insurance insurance cost £3.75 per month

How to contact debenhams gadget insurance?

Here are the services to join directly debenhams:

ServiceContactOpening Hours
Claim service0330 880 1743

09:00am to 17:30pm, Monday to Friday

General queries0330 880 1733

09:00am – 17:30pm Mon – Fri

Contact debenhams gadget insurance

How to claim at debenhams gadget insurance?

The first thing to know about claiming on your gadget insurance is that you need to strike while the iron is hot – generally you’ll need to notify your claim within 24 hours. Some insurers give you even less time, just 12 hours to make a claim. Always check your policy details to find out exactly how long you have! Here are debenhams details:

How to claim?Details
When to claim?As soon as possible
Claim by mail

Debenhams Gadget Insurance
Suite 2209-2217, Eurotowers,
Europort Road, Gibraltar.

Claim by email[email protected]
Claim online

Trought this link

Claim by phone0330 880 1766
Claiming on debenhams gadget insurance

How to cancel debenhams gadget insurance?

You will find on this table the different ways to cancel your debenhams gadget insurance:

How to cancelDetails
Cancellation fees
  • Full refund before 14 days
  • After 14 days, your coverage continues until the period of time you have paid
Cancel by phone0330 880 1733
Cancel by mail

[email protected] o

debenhams gadget insurance

Do we recommend debenhams gadget insurance?

Debenhams gadget insurance insurance is a trustworthy insurance, which offers 3 level of coverage, that fit your need.

Debenhams proposes:
24Hr Replacements
Unlimited Repairs or Replacements
Repairs at Apple Genius Bars
Free collect of laptop

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P. Laurore Finance Expert

Co-founder of HelloSafe and holder of a Master's degree in finance, Pauline has recognised expertise in personal finance, which she uses to help users better understand and optimise their financial choices. At HelloSafe, Pauline plays a key role in designing clear, educational content on savings, investments and personal finance. Passionate about financial education, Pauline strives, with every piece of content she oversees, to provide reliable, transparent and unbiased information for independent and informed financial management. To this end, she has tested over 100 trading platforms to help internet users make the right choices.