Quick sure Car Insurance Review

P. Laurore updated on April 21, 2023

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This is the ultimate review to guide you through Quick sure car insurance.

You might already know that Quick sure offers several car insurance policy options.
Some are great, others not so much.

So if you want to get:

  • Better value for money for your car insurance
  • Indicative quotes
  • Tips to lower your insurance premium, then you might love the following article.

Let’s dive right in.

Is Quick sure the best car insurance provider?

Getting the best car insurance deal is not all about the price. Indeed, focusing on just getting the cheapest deal might be a bad calculation when it comes to getting a good payout if you ever have an accident.

We’ve studied in detail Quick sure car policy terms and conditions and given our own ratings based on different criteria.

3 Safe overall rating for Quick sure

Our ratingOur opinion
Customer service & satisfaction

Very bad customer care reviews recorded on review sites
Low ratings of 2/5 based on 20 opinions on Trustpilot
No live chat option
Policy documents are not available on the website

Cover provided

Up to 90 days’ European cover is offered with the comprehensive cover
New car replacement is offered with the comprehensive cover
Short term cover is provided for learning drivers
As the policy documents cannot be accessed, details on the cover options offered are not provided

Value for money

Flexible payment options are offered
Bad reviews about the NCB on review websites
No cashback vouchers available
No mentioned discounts on the website

Financial strength for pay out

Quick Sure Insurance Limited is subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and this gives the company a high capability to pay out claims.


Policies can be taken out and adjusted online
No live chat option
Policy documents are not available
Black box is not available
No mobile app

Safe rating for Quick sure

Expert and customer reviews on Quick sure

We compiled expert and customer reviews from independent institutions, to give you an overall idea of Quick sure's reputation.

Review organisationConsumer satisfaction rates for Quick sure
2/5 based on 20 opinions
Consumer satisfaction rates on reviews for Quick sure

To check if Quick sure is the right car insurance for you, you can use our free comparison tool and finally compare coverage features, optional extras, excess, admin fees and customer rating without having to give any personal information.

Finally, compare best car insurance in less than 20 secs without giving your email.
No spamming, promise.


Our review on Quick sure car insurance policy

Quick Sure is an insurance company majorly based online. Insurance services are provided for learning drivers, drivers who need short term insurance ranging from 4 and 20 weeks. Only two levels of covers are offered which are the Comprehensive and TPFT cover and optional extras like: Personal accident cover, Foreign use cover, Windscreen cover are offered as standards on the Comprehensive policy.

The downside is that most of the communication and details about the services provided are done online. The policy documents are also available to only policy holders. The reviews for this insurance company are on the low side.

However, it is recommended for drivers who need short term insurance and do not mind online communication with care agents.

What does Quick sure car insurance policy cover?

Are TPO, TPFT and Comprehensive covers available at Quick sure?

Car insurance policyAvailable at Quick sureCoverage in a nutshell
Third-Party Only
  • Passengers and third party covered
  • Policyholder is not covered for any injuries or damages
Third-Party Fire and Theft
  • Replacement of your car if stolen
  • Damages caused due to theft or fire
  • Cover third-party fire and theft
  • Covers injuries to you and damages to your car
Car insurance level of cover available at Quick sure

Keep in mind that you can always add optional extras to your policy.

Main guarantees at Quick sure explained in details

Let's find out what does Quick sure covers in its car insurance policy.

Breakdown cover at Quick sure

Available but details are not Stated. The policy document is not available so information about this cover is not available.

Keycare cover at Quick sure

Available but details are not Stated. The policy document is not available so information about this cover is not available.

Windscreen cover at Quick sure

The Windscreen cover is available on the Comprehensive policy, however, as the policy document is not available, further information about this cover cannot be provided.

Motor legal protection at Quick sure

Available but details are not stated.

Personal policy injury available at Quick sure

Personal accident cover is provided on the Comprehensive policy option The policy document is not available so further information about this cover is not available.

Coverage abroad at Quick sure

Abroad coverage is available under the cover policies provided and this coverage allows the holders to travel through Europe for 90 days. This is only available on the Comprehensive policy. The list of countries includes:
Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France (including Monaco), Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy (including San Marino and the Vatican City), Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland (including Liechtenstein).

No-Claim Bonus (NCB) at Quick sure

The NCB will keep increasing every year provided the driver does not get involved in any incident that may require having to file a claim. No NCB rate is stated on the website or policy documents.

If the driver was involved in an accident that was his/her fault, the NCB will be affected

At Quick sure, you can apply for the NCB protection. The NCB protection allows you to make a certain number of claims within a period without losing your No-Claim bonus.

NCB protection claims (number per year): 2 claim in 3 years.
NCB protection claims (number per year): 1 claim in 1 year.

Good to know

A No-Claim bonus is a reward that you get from driving during a long time (at least one year) without making any claim. The more years you drive without claims, the higher your NCB rate gets hence the higher the discount on your insurance premium.

Quick sure car insurance terms and conditions

How much does Quick sure car insurance cost?

You'll find below indicative car insurance quotes at Quick sure:

Drivers'ageMonthly premium
18 years old
40 years old
60 years old
Quotes above are for a comprehensive car insurance - eco car, clean record driver, Liverpool

Costs of Quick sure insurance car policies vary widely based on different factors such as:

  • The driver’s age
  • The date on which they received their driving licence
  • The type of car
  • Expected repair costs if the car is damaged
  • The performance, safety and security of the car
  • The driver’s address and how busy the streets in the neighbourhood are
  • Who drives the car (any additional driver on the policy)
  • The driver's record of accidents and claims (number of injuries, No Claim Bonus etc.)
  • Insurance taxes.

Good to know

The higher risk you represent, the more expensive your policy will be.

Is there any promo codes or discounts available at Quick sure?

Discounts, Cashback vouchers are not available. NCD is available.

If you want to get a cheaper car insurance policy, another good way to do so is to never auto renew and always compare car insurance quotes.

Save more on your car insurance checking out our 13 tops tips to cut your insurance premiums!

Quick sure car insurance policy summarized


At Quick sure
NCB benefit
Uninsured driver NCB benefit
Not Stated
Loss or theft of keys
Excess- Not stated
Limit- Not stated
Personal belongings
Excess- Not stated
Limit- Not stated
Audio equipment

Excess- Not stated
Limit- Not stated

Medical expenses

Excess- Not stated
Limit- Not stated

Liability limit for property damage
Not Stated
Legal expense
Not Stated
Courtesy car benefit

Not Stated

Courtesy car cover

Not Stated

Coverage abroad

90 days

Guarantees at Quick sure


At Quick sure
Fire excess
Excess- Not stated
Limit- Not stated
Theft excess
Excess- Not stated
Limit- Not stated
Accidental damage excess
Excess- Not stated
Limit- Not stated
Windscreen replacement excess
Excess- Not stated
Limit- Not stated
Young driver excess

Not Stated

Excess at Quick sure

Admin fees

At Quick sure
Interest charged by payment installments

Not Stated

Renewal fees


Cancellation fees

Details not stated

Modification fees

Details not stated

Admin fees at Quick sure

Other car insurance policies available at Quick sure

Quick sure learner driver car insurance

Quick sure provides short term cover for learner drivers and this lasts for a duration of 4 to 20 weeks.
With this cover option, the NCB of the car owner would not be affected in the case that a claim has to be taken out.
Flexible payment options are offeredand the insurance policy can be gotten online.

How to contact Quick sure auto insurance?

Quick sure phone numbers

You will find all important phone numbers to contact Quick sure car insurance:

Contact numberOpening hours

Customer Service

0345 5487777

Mon – Fri 9am to 5:30pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed


0345 548 7195

Available 24/7

Windscreen claims

0182 7338 716

Available 24/7

Contact numbers at Quick sure

Quick sure other contact details

You'll find below Quick sure main contact details:

Contact details of Quick sure
Email address

[email protected]

Customer account with Quick sure login

Link not available

Social media
Facebook, Twitter
Contact details at Quick sure

You can also contact them by mail by writing to Quick sure car insurance:

Quick sure car insurance
P.O. Box 1338,
First Floor,
Grand Ocean Plaza,
Ocean Village,

How to cancel your car insurance at Quick sure?

You can always cancel your car insurance policy at any time. However, some fees may apply especially if you cancel it after the 14 cooling-off period after your contract's anniversary date.

Since car insurance is a legal requirement, Quick sure as well as other insurers will renew your policy automatically at the end of the policy period without any notification from your side. However, Quick sure has the obligation to send you a renewal notice within 7 to 21 days before your contract comes to an end. You will therefore have 14 days - the cooling off period - to cancel your policy at reduced cancellation fees.

For the same reason, if you cancel your car insurance policy, you must sign up to a new one immediately. Find out more on car insurance legal requirement.

You would need to have various documents ready such as:

  • your policy number (right hand corner of your documents);
  • your bank details; and
  • your payment method in case there are cancellation fees.

Watch out!

Quick sure could also refuse to cover your car any longer if you don't pay for your premiums within the time allocated, or if they find out that you omitted important information that was required by the company such as your driving experience or you if have committed a fraud of any kind. This act is known as ‘fronting’.

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P. Laurore Finance Expert

Co-founder of HelloSafe and holder of a Master's degree in finance, Pauline has recognised expertise in personal finance, which she uses to help users better understand and optimise their financial choices. At HelloSafe, Pauline plays a key role in designing clear, educational content on savings, investments and personal finance. Passionate about financial education, Pauline strives, with every piece of content she oversees, to provide reliable, transparent and unbiased information for independent and informed financial management. To this end, she has tested over 100 trading platforms to help internet users make the right choices.