Smart Insurance Review

P. Laurore updated on February 26, 2020

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You just bought a brand new Smart and you want to know if it's worth taking out a car insurance from the same manufacturer? You've come at the right place, discover pros and cons of taking out Smart car insurance!

What is Smart 7 days free car insurance?

When you are buying a Smart vehicle from a dealership, you can benefit from 7 days free insurance.

Your 7 days free to go insurance will either allow you to:

  • 7 days drive home: bring your car home as soon as purchased in Smart retail stores without having to subscribe another insurance first. You can see that as a drive away insurance, you can be cover until you find a long term solution.
  • Test the Smart free insurance.
Smart free insurance
  • To benefit from Smart first cover, you must be over 17 and under 84 years of age
  • Have never been refused insurance or had special terms imposed on previous insurance policies.
  • Have advised the DVLA of any notifiable illness or disability and they have agreed to the issue of a driving license.
  • Have not been convicted of any non-motoring offences
How to contact?
  • By phone call: 0345 605 6508
  • Through their dedicated drive away website page.
How to apply?
  • You need to be eligible
  • You need to select your retailer
  • Cover policy will be sent to your retailer
  • Agree on collection date with the smart car retailer
How to proceed?
  • Go on their dedicated website “Smart Fiver Cover Car Insurance”.
  • Click on “Apply For First Cover”in the website page.
  • Quote details about your vehicle.
  • You will be given a quote for your 7 days free insurance and for a full year
Details about Smart free insurance

What is Smart insurance as standard?

Smart annual policy coverage

You can choose to purchase Smart car insurance for a year.

You can choose either comprehensive, third party or third party fire and theft coverage depending on the insurance companies.

Ask directly Smart insurance, what would be the best coverage for you.

For Smart insurance, most of the features would be for a comprehensive car insurance.

Available in comprehensive policy Comments
Courtesy car Yes

A small 1L, 3 door car will be provided whilst your car is repaired by an approved repairer.

Replacement child seatYes

£100 for replacing per child seat

Uninsured driver promiseYes

This promise only applies where the driver of your car was not at fault for the accident.

Windscreen, sunroof and window repair

Any parts we repair will not prejudice your No Claim Discount

Medical expensesYes

Up to £500 for injury or accident

Personal belongingYes

Up to £500



Gap insurance No

The gap can be filled in 2 ways:

  • Combined insurance: smart will pay the shortfall that exist between the price you paid originally and the amount the motor insurance agrees to pay.
  • Leased insurance: this means Smart will payout the money you owe to clear your lease agreement, and allow you start a new one.
Other featuresYes
  • Smart car genuine Part and Approved repairs
  • An added service for breakdown cover
  • You can add a temporary drive
  • 180 days cover for a temporary visits to EU
What are the different options available or not for Smart car insurance?

In a nutshell, here are the points that can be retained from Smart car Insurance:
Smart car insurance offers a wide range of features, such as courtesy car.
Cost of replacement for lost key covered
Approved experts take care of the repairs
Free insurance for the first days is really convenient
Rated 3.7/5 by trustpilot

Smart has a strong reputation and generally accepted by many, the question is “do you want to be insured by your car manufacturer or by an independent car insurance company?”. It is up to you

You can insure your Smart car with the manufacturer car insurance policy contract, or you can start shopping around to find the best car insurance deal.

How to contact Smart car insurance?

You can contact Smart car insurance either by phone, by mail, or through their website.

What is Smart contact number?

It is always useful to know how to contact Smart car insurance in case of problem. You will find their phone numbers and then their contact details such as email, or address.

Smart phone number
Customer & general service0333 222 0600
Make a claim0344 4933 231
How to contact Smart ?

Smart contact details


Go on Smart car insurance website: insurancebysmart.


[email protected] or [email protected]

Customer Relations

Delaware Drive
Milton Keynes
MK15 8BA

Smart contact details

What offers Smart financial services?

Smart services proposes several ways to finance your car.

Here are the informations to contact Smart financial service. You will also find what Smart financial service has to offer.


Go to Smart dedicated website “finance & insurance”

Phone0370 847 0700
Smart financial contacts
Hire purchase
  • At the end the agreement, once your final payment is made you have the option to purchase, and own the vehicle outrightly
  • Monthly payments is made based only on a proportion of the car’s value
  • You defer your ownership decision until the end of the agreement
Personal operating lease
  • Pay an advance rental upfront
  • Rentals are based on your annual mileage (agreed at the beginning of your agreement) and only on a proportion of the car’s value.
  • At the end of the agreement, you’re expected to return the vehicle
Smart finance policy

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P. Laurore Finance Expert

Co-founder of HelloSafe and holder of a Master's degree in finance, Pauline has recognised expertise in personal finance, which she uses to help users better understand and optimise their financial choices. At HelloSafe, Pauline plays a key role in designing clear, educational content on savings, investments and personal finance. Passionate about financial education, Pauline strives, with every piece of content she oversees, to provide reliable, transparent and unbiased information for independent and informed financial management. To this end, she has tested over 100 trading platforms to help internet users make the right choices.