Ford Insure Insurance Review

P. Laurore updated on March 10, 2020

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You just bought a brand new Ford Insure and you want to know if it's worth taking out a car insurance from the same manufacturer? You've come at the right place, discover pros and cons of taking out Ford Insure car insurance!

What is Ford Insure 3 days free car insurance?

When you are buying a Ford Insure vehicle from a dealership, you can benefit from 3 days free insurance.

Your 3 days free to go insurance will either allow you to:

  • 3 days drive home: bring your car home as soon as purchased in Ford Insure retail stores without having to subscribe another insurance first. You can see that as a drive away insurance, you can be cover until you find a long term solution.
  • Test the Ford Insure free insurance.
Ford Insure free insurance
  • All drivers must be UK residents
  • The driver must have a valid driver’s licence
  • The driver must not have any driving convictions
How to contact?
  • By phone calls: 0344 693 6730
  • Or online through the driveaway page on their website
How to apply?
  • The dealership code is required
  • Details of the driver are required
  • Registration must be completed
How to proceed?

  • Check your eligibility
  • Apply for Ford’s drive away cover
  • There is the option to subscribe for the annual cover, if you want to be insured with Ford’s insurance.

Details about Ford Insure free insurance

What is Ford Insure insurance as standard?

Ford Insure annual policy coverage

You can choose to purchase Ford Insure car insurance for a year.

You can choose either comprehensive, third party or third party fire and theft coverage depending on the insurance companies.

Ask directly Ford Insure insurance, what would be the best coverage for you.

For Ford Insure insurance, most of the features would be for a comprehensive car insurance.

Available in comprehensive policy Comments
Courtesy car Yes

In the case of an accident, where the driver’s car has to be repaired, a courtesy car would be provided. This is based on the condition that the car is repaired by a Ford Accident Repair Centre. Courtesy cars are not provided when the car has been stolen.

Replacement child seatYes

In the case of an accident which caused damage to a vehicle and the child’s car seat, the cost of replacement is covered by Ford. The replacement would be of a similar model and specification as that of the damaged one.

Uninsured driver promiseYes

In the case of an accident where the driver of the car is uninsured and the driver (insured driver) is not at fault, the costs of excesses incurred would be covered and refunded by Ford, provided that the driver can get the following:

  • The make, model of the other vehicle
  • The details of the other driver
  • The registration number of the other vehicle.
Windscreen, sunroof and window repair

Provided a Ford approved repairer is used, Ford would pay for the repair or replacement of broken windscreen, sunroof or window and would also cover the cost if the body of the vehicle was damaged as a result of the broken glass. If an unapproved repairer is used, Ford would pay a sum of £25 to over repairs and £50 to cover replacement.

Medical expensesYes

In the event that the driver’s car is involved in an accident, Ford would pay a sum of £100 for each person injured in the car.

Personal belongingYes

Up to £150



Gap insurance No

Information not available

Other featuresYes
  • Genuine Ford Parts
  • 24/7 Emergency Helpline
  • Ford Authorized Repairs
  • High quality of services rendered
  • Guarantee is given on repairs for as long as the driver uses the car
What are the different options available or not for Ford Insure car insurance?

In a nutshell, here are a few points that can be retained from Ford car insurance:
Availability of courtesy car in the case of an accident
24/7 Emergency helpline is provided
Ford Repairers and Parts are available
Uninsured driver’s promise
Rated 1.8/5 by TrustPilot

Ford is an American automaker and the company was established in 1903. Till date, it remains one of the biggest vehicle manufacturers in the world. They have a good reputation.

You can insure your Ford Insure car with the manufacturer car insurance policy contract, or you can start shopping around to find the best car insurance deal.

How to contact Ford Insure car insurance?

You can contact Ford Insure car insurance either by phone, by mail, or through their website.

What is Ford Insure contact number?

It is always useful to know how to contact Ford Insure car insurance in case of problem. You will find their phone numbers and then their contact details such as email, or address.

Ford Insure phone number
Customer service0333 234 9976
Claims0333 777 7324
How to contact Ford Insure?

Ford Insure contact details


Go on Ford car insurance website page


[email protected]

Customer Relations

Ford Car Insurance

Ty Admiral David Street

Cardiff CF10 2AA

Ford Insure contact details

What offers Ford Insure financial services?

Ford Insure services proposes several ways to finance your car.

Here are the informations to contact Ford Insure financial service. You will also find what Ford Insure financial service has to offer.


Go to Ford website “finance”

Phone0344 600 1405
Ford Insure financial contacts
Contract hire
  • A car can be leased from Ford for a specific period of time
  • At the beginning of the lease period, an advance rental is paid
  • Fixed monthly rentals are paid
  • At the end of the lease period, the car is returned to Ford.
Finance lease
  • A commercial vehicle is leased from Ford for an agreed upon time frame
  • Monthly rentals are paid
  • At the end of the lease period, the driver would have to sell the commercial vehicle to a third party
  • The sales proceeds go to the driver
  • The car no longer belongs to the driver at the end of the agreement period.
  • A deposit is paid
  • Fixed monthly payments are made
  • At the end of the agreement period, the vehicle belongs to the driver provided that all the payments including the purchase fee have been made.
Ford Insure finance policy

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P. Laurore Finance Expert

Co-founder of HelloSafe and holder of a Master's degree in finance, Pauline has recognised expertise in personal finance, which she uses to help users better understand and optimise their financial choices. At HelloSafe, Pauline plays a key role in designing clear, educational content on savings, investments and personal finance. Passionate about financial education, Pauline strives, with every piece of content she oversees, to provide reliable, transparent and unbiased information for independent and informed financial management. To this end, she has tested over 100 trading platforms to help internet users make the right choices.