Is John Lewis a Good Insurance Company?

P. Laurore updated on July 27, 2020

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You are considering buying an insurance policy at John Lewis and are wondering if John Lewis is the best insurer for you?

You've come to the right place!

In the below guide you’ll find everything you need to know about John Lewis: expert and consumers reviews, insurance policies detailed, recommendation, contact and much more.

Stay tuned!

Good to know

Safe's mission is to help anyone trying to get the best value for money deal on personal insurance making the right decision. We've analyzed over 1000 insurance companies and contracts. You will find below our independent and neutral rating and evaluation for John Lewis.

Who is John Lewis?

John Lewis is popularly known for selling products and has branched out to offer financial services like loans and insurance in 2006. It was named by Which? as a recommended provider of car insurance. John Lewis's insurance products are underwritten by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc and Covea Insurance plc which are both authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.

What are the main insurance policies available at John Lewis?

Let's discover below main insurance policies offered by John Lewis.

Safe overall rateOur reviews
Car insurance Get to know more
Travel insurance Get to know more
Home insurance Get to know more
Pet insurance Get to know more
John Lewis insurance policies

John Lewis expert and consumers reviews: Defaqto, TrustPilot

John Lewis is regularly audited by Defaqto expert rating. Defaqto ranks each company as well as policies with scores of 1 to 5 stars. Cover details, admin fees, value for money, claim and complaint process and more are analyzed and weighted.

Consumers, on the other hand, can write down their opinions on independent websites such as TrustPilot, Reevoo or Reviews which give great insights on claim process and refund as well as customer service at John Lewis.

Car insurance


Home insurance

Specialist: 5 stars
Premier: 5 stars
Plus: 4 stars
Essential: 3 stars

Pet insurance

Plus: 5 stars
Premier: 5 stars
Essential 4 stars

John Lewis expert and customers reviews

Is John Lewis a good car insurance company?

3,3 Safe overall rating for John Lewis car insurance

John Lewis Finance offers three levels of car insurance, with its comprehensive policies benefiting from a courtesy car, 90 days of EU travel and misfuelling cover as standard. Its 5-star Defaqto-rated car cover can also be boosted with optional extras, and policies purchased online can receive up to a 15% discount.

In addition to typical car insurance coverage choices, John Lewis offers, among other options:

Breakdown cover

John Lewis offers major levels of breakdown cover and they are:

  • roadside assistance: 24/7 roadside assistance is provided as long as the driver is at least a quarter mile away from home
  • at home: this cover is useful in the case that your vehicle doesn't start and it is close in distance to your home address
  • european recovery: this level of cover provides breakdown cover for european countries.

There is a roadside and recovery option that is only available to new customers. It provides roadside assistance and an alternative means of transportation for the driver and up to seven other passengers to any destination of their choice as far as it is within 10 miles.

Windscreen cover

John Lewis, in the case that there is a broken glass will pay the cost of:

  • repairing or replacing the damaged windscreen or windows
  • repair for scratches to the bodywork caused by the broken glass.
    If an un-approved repairer is used, the amount paid after removing the excess would be £150.

Motor legal protection

  • For £14,99 John Lewis's Motor Legal Protection policy provided that the accident was not your fault
  • £100,000 of cover for legal costs if there is a 50% chance that the claim would be successful
  • 24/7 Legal Helpline
  • Compensation for financial costs incurred as a result of the accident.

Personal injury policy

John Lewis pays £10,000 if the driver or his/her partner is accidentally killed or suffers any of the injuries stated below while travelling in either the insured vehicle or any other privately owned vehicle:

  • permanent loss of sight in one or both eyes
  • permanent loss of use of limbs.

Besides main car insurance coverage, you can also get extra car insurance options at John Lewis. Get to know more, read our complete review on John Lewis car insurance.

Is John Lewis a good travel insurance company?

3,4 Safe overall rating for John Lewis travel insurance

John Lewis Travel Insurance is underwritten by a panel of leading insurers in the UK such as Ageas Insurance Limited and DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Company Limited which are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

They offer their main insurance policies across 3 levels of cover: Essential, Plus and Premier. In addition to the main insurance policies, optional covers such as Winter Sports, Golf and Wedding covers.

For single and annual multi-trip cover, age and maximum number of days limits at John Lewis are:

Main travel insurance policiesAvailable at John Lewis
John Lewis maximum number of days limit

Single Trip: Not Stated
Annual Multi Trip: 31, 45 or 60 days per trip

John Lewis age limit

Single Trip: No age limit
Annual Multi Trip: 74 years

Travel insurance policies available at John Lewis

You will find John Lewis cover details (compensations, deductibles, extras etc.) for single and annual multi-trip policies in our review.

Besides main travel insurance policies, John Lewis also provides extra cover such as:

  • backpackers travel insurance
  • long stay travel insurance
  • winter sports cover
  • golf cover
  • cover for business trips
  • cruise gear
  • gadget cover

Another Optional Cover available is the Wedding Cover and it comes with the following benefits:

  • Up to £1,500 wedding attire cover per couple
  • Up to £2,000 wedding gifts cover per couple
  • Up to £1,000 wedding ring cover
  • Up to £750 photographs and video cover.

>> MORE: read our complete review on John Lewis travel insurance.

Is John Lewis a good home insurance company?

4,2 Safe overall rating for John Lewis home insurance

John Lewis is a very trustworthy company, already awarded a gold ribbon by Fairer Finance Institute.

John Lewis offers a wide range of financial and insurance products. The home insurance is underwritten by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc.
The company offers 4 different levels of home insurance cover to suit everybody's needs. The Essential level is rated 3 stars by Defaqto, the Plus level is rated 4 stars (described below), the Premier and Specialist levels are rated 5 stars by Defaqto.

The HomePlus standard level of cover ranks high among standard home insurance policies. You can get up to £100k alternative accommodation cover, which is among the highest cover for standard policies.
Contents HomePlus plan provides average features and benefits although you will get one of the longest unoccupancy period cover of 90 days. You will also be able to cover up to £75K of contents value.

According to Which? review, the Premier building insurance plan ranks 1 out of 63 home insurance cover, and the Premier contents insurance ranks 2nd. The Premier policy includes accidental damage as standard. Pedal cycles are also covered as standard up to £5000 as well as personal possessions up to £2500, and legal expenses up to £100K. There is also no limit for maximum sum insured for both buildings and contents insurance as well as for alternative accommodation.

On the other hand, the basic level of cover called Essential is only rated 3 stars and only provides up to £400K building cover and £60K alternative accommodation. The Essential contents insurance does not cover cash or credit card.

The specialist level of cover allows bespoke maximum sums insured and up to £10 000 valuable items limit.

John Lewis building insurance

You will find below building main insurance details for the John Lewis Home Insurance Plus cover at John Lewis:

  • Maximum sum insured for your property: £1 000 000
  • Owner's liability: £2 000 000
  • Alternative emergency accomodation: £100 000
  • Period of home's unoccupancy cover: 60 days
  • Trace and access: £5 000
  • Keys cover: £750
  • Subsidence excess: £1 000

Alongside building insurance, you can get additional cover such as:

Home building insurance extras
Home emergency
  • Optional extra
  • From £500 to £1 500 limit per call out
  • From £500 to £1 000 limit for emergency accommodation (1 night)
Boiler cover
  • Part of the home emergency optional extra
  • Up to £1 500 for boiler repair
  • Up to £1 500 for boiler replacement
Family legal protection
  • Optional extra
  • Up to £100 000 for expert lawyers fees
John Lewis building insurance extras

John Lewis contents insurance

You will find below contents insurance details for the John Lewis Home Insurance Plus cover at John Lewis:

  • Maximum sum insured for your contents: £75 000
  • Alternative emergency accomodation: £15 000
  • Single item limit: £3 000
  • Contents in the open: £3 000
  • Contents in outbuildings: £3 000
  • Money / credit card kept at home: £500 / £500
  • Items temporarily removed from home: £10 000

Alongside contents insurance, you can get additional cover such as:

Home contents insurance extras
Accidental damage cover

Optional extra

Personal possessions cover
  • Optional extra
  • Up to £15 000 for personal possessions cover at home
  • Up to £20 000 for single item limit away from home
  • Up to £3 000 limit for personal possessions kept in a car
Mobile cover
  • Part of the personal possessions cover
  • Up to £15 000 limit
Bike cover
  • Optional extra
  • Up to £5 000 limit
John Lewis contents insurance extras

Standard excess to report a claim at John Lewis is £100.

You will find exhaustive cover details, administration fees, contacts etc. on John Lewis home insurance on our review below.

>> MORE: read our complete review on John Lewis home insurance.

Life insurance criteria
Minimum age
Maximum age
Terminal illness
John Lewis life insurance in a nutshell

Is John Lewis a good pet insurance company?

4 Safe overall rating for John Lewis pet insurance

John Lewis is popularly known for selling products and has branched out to offer financial services like loans and insurance in 2006. It was named by Which? as a recommended provider of car insurance. John Lewis insurance products are underwritten by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc and Covea Insurance plc which are both authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.

The insurance company offers Lifetime insurance cover for dogs and cats. John Lewis offers three different levels of cover: Essential, Plus and Premier. The Lifetime insurance option is available for all cover levels.

The Plus and Premier cover options for both cats and dogs are rated 5 stars on Defaqto while the Essential cover option is rated 4 stars. The insurance company has an average rating of 3.5 on Trustpilot. The major difference between the cover levels is the amount of cover provided in vet bills which costs £3,000 per year with Essential, £7,500 a year with Plus, or £12,000 a year with Premier. Other features of the pet insurance policy include dental care, accidental damage cover, cover for death from accident or illness, third party public liability cover for dogs only) and cover for complementary therapies.

The insurance policy is recommended as they have a high capacity to pay out claims and they are reliable.

What does John Lewis pet insurance cover in a nutshell?

John Lewis only offers Lifetime cover with several levels of vet fees as mentioned below:

  • £7,500 vet fees in total per policy year - Annual Policy limit of £7,500 - Limits reinstated on renewal
  • £3,000 vet fees in total per policy year, limits reinstated on renewal - Annual Policy limit of £3,000 - Limits reinstated on renewal
  • £12,000 vet fees in total per policy year - Annual Policy limit of £12,000 - Limits reinstated on renewal

Levels of cover available are the same for both cats and dogs.

>> MORE: read our complete review on John Lewis pet insurance.

John Lewis discount codes, promos and vouchers

Discounts and promo codes available
Car insurance
  • A 10% discount is given to Halifax Online Banking customers
  • A Discount voucher providing up to a 20% off orders is provided online
  • A £25 cashback is open to customers who received the offer from directly Halifax
  • The No claims discount protection that Halifax offers will allow for two fault claims within three years.
Travel insurance

They do not mention any discounts on their website.

Home insurance

No discount available.

Pet insurance

You can get 10% discount when buying online.

John Lewis discounts codes and promos

How to contact John Lewis?

Find out how to contact and log in to John Lewis on our contact page.

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P. Laurore Finance Expert

Co-founder of HelloSafe and holder of a Master's degree in finance, Pauline has recognised expertise in personal finance, which she uses to help users better understand and optimise their financial choices. At HelloSafe, Pauline plays a key role in designing clear, educational content on savings, investments and personal finance. Passionate about financial education, Pauline strives, with every piece of content she oversees, to provide reliable, transparent and unbiased information for independent and informed financial management. To this end, she has tested over 100 trading platforms to help internet users make the right choices.